The Lone Footballer

Thursday, June 22, 2006

"There are no rights or wrongs"

Yesterday, someone happened to mention that I shouldn’t be that blunt in making value judgments as there are no rights or wrongs. Eeverything is right, the difference lies in how you look at the issue.

Hmmm…..I am trying to decipher what the hell that is supposed to mean. After some time I rephrase the whole thing for him.

Me: “Do you mean to say that since real life issues are so complicated that there is always more than one possible correct solution. Because the amount of knowledge you have and the set of assumptions you make and the areas you might focus and prioritize over are bound to be different than those of others”

Him: “Yes exactly, like the different solutions we all came up with for the McGregor case we got for our mancom assignment”.

Me: “But did we differ on the basic premise that Mr. James McGregor needs to keep his business alive and kicking and that he has to make more money out of it”? “And if your answer to that is in the affirmative, than the way you described my problem is factually incorrect. I always make it a point not to take absolute stands on any one particular alternative solution to a real life problem until I am convinced that any further time spent on analyzing the different alternatives is not going to make any incremental profit worth it”.

“You are probably complaining about my absolute stand on principles, which by their very nature must be absolute and invariable, so there I must disappoint you. I am not going blunt my sharpness”.


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