Tales from Ghzbd Vol II (Non Veg)
What’s with the blurred, zoomed in (only on the face) photographs of women writhing in pain! What is the point? You can't fool kids by blurring. Or is it that they don’t want grown ups to stare - anything longer than a peak and get a headache from the dizzying image. End up buying disprin instead of durex !
I have always been a huge fan of cheap Hindi songs. I am of the firm belief that filmy songs have no business being serious or meaningful. If fate is a meaningful concept then moving to
Yesterday I was listening to this beautiful song in which the lyricist in order to maximize the billing per hour kept on retelling the same incidence (from different perspectives though) – basically the adventures of the girl (age - 16) in a chana ka khet. A beautiful song, more so because of the extremely subtle (unbecoming of a desi song) connection of the girl's adventures to the fecundity of the Indo - Gangetic soil. Work of genius!
*The exponential rate change in cultural parameters when moving away from a big city as opposed to the normal linear rate of change in
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